# My Home Server

In today's digital age, our lives are increasingly intertwined with technology. From streaming movies and music to managing smart home devices, our reliance on digital services is greater than ever. To ensure that I have control over my digital world and data, I've set up a home server, which serves as the central hub for all my digital needs. In this blog post, I'll share my experiences and insights into the world of home servers.

# Why a Home Server?

You might be wondering why anyone would need a home server in the first place. Well, there are several compelling reasons:

  1. Data Security: With the increasing prevalence of data breaches and privacy concerns, having control over your data is essential. A home server allows me to store my sensitive files and data securely within my own network.
  2. Centralized Storage: Instead of scattering files across various cloud services, my home server acts as a centralized storage solution. This makes it easy to access and manage all my data in one place.
  3. Media Server: I use my home server to host a media server, which lets me stream movies, TV shows, and music to any device in my home. No more relying on third-party streaming services with limited libraries.
  4. Personal Website: I've even set up a personal website on my home server. It's a great way to learn web development and showcase my projects and interests to the world.

# Hardware and Software

Setting up a home server involves choosing the right hardware and software components. Here's what I'm using:

  • Dell Inspiron 3010: I repurposed an old desktop PC with specs that suits for my needs, with enough processing power and capacity for the moment. But I might change the case later cause it can only hold 2HDDs of 2tb each and a 120gb cache SSD.
Components Value
CPU i5 3470
RAM 16go ddr3 2666mhz
PSU 350W
GPU gtx 1650
  • GL.iNet GL-SFT1200: I use this because it's based on OpenWRT, and also because it's relatively cheap and easy to travel with. It acts as a VPN with my Wireguard VPN server.

  • Raspberry Pi 3b+: Holding some docker containers like UptimeKuma, Homepage. And I set up a VPN server to securely access my home network remotely, using Wireguard. And I manage it through CasaOS.

After extensive research and hands-on experience, I've found Unraid OS to be the ideal operating system for my server needs. Because it has a very user-friendly web interface, plugins, docker containers through their store, virtualization, plugins and expandability.

If you're considering building your own server or looking for an operating system that empowers you to create a versatile and resilient server environment, Unraid OS deserves your attention. It's more than just an operating system; it's the key to unlocking the full potential of your server and taking control of your digital world. My choice of Unraid OS has been a journey of discovery and empowerment, and I encourage you to embark on the same path to server bliss.

I would say the only downside, is that it's not free and also not open-source.

# Containers

  • Nextcloud
  • FileBrowser
  • Jelu
  • Minecraft Bedrock and Java server
  • Flatnotes
  • Transmission
  • Plex/ Jellyfin
  • *Arr suite
  • Ombi
  • Guacamole

# My Installation

%%{init: { 'theme': 'default' }}%%
graph LR
    A[ISP Router] -->B(OpenWrt Router)
    B --> C{Dell Inspiron}
    C --> F[Unraid OS]
    F --> G[Docker Container]
    F --> H[VMs]
    F --> M[NAS]
    B -->D{Raspberry Pi}
    D --> I[CasaOS]
    D --> J[Docker containers]
    D --> K[Wireguard VPN]
    B -->E{My PC}
    E --> L[Dualboot Debian/W11]

# Conclusion

My home server has become an integral part of my digital life. It offers convenience, security, and a valuable opportunity for learning. If you're tech-savvy and want more control over your digital world, I highly recommend exploring the world of home servers. It's a journey worth embarking on.