# Factory Reset Storage

If you want to factory reset a storage device like an USB drive or a SD card, you can follow along this guide.

# Using Powershell

So first of all, type Powershell in windows searchbar, or press the windows key on your keyboard and type Powershell. As you can see on the image below. And press Enter.

After that, you're going to have an open Powershell window. Click on it, and write diskpart. And press Enter again. Windows going to ask if you want to give permissions to the application, click yes.

Now that you are in diskpart, type this command to show disk currently plug into your computer:

list disk

For this tutorial, I'm using an 8gb micro sd card, so I'm going to choose disk 2. Select your disk using select disk + the number in my case :

select disk 2

Now that you've selected your disk, we can remove everything that's on it even partition, by just typing:


After that, you need to create a new partition otherwise your disk gonna be completely useless and then you can format your disk, using those commands:

create partiton primary
format fs=fat32 quick

# Using Disk Partition Manager

Disk Partition Manager is a preinstall program, that you can use for that too. Simply launch it by searching for it in the searchbar.

# Using Gparted

Simply install Gparted by using the installation command relative to your distro, in my case on Debian :

sudo apt install gparted